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The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Summary of New Lawsuit To Overturn 2020 Election, A Solution For Replacing Vulnerable Voting Machines

Subtitle: Highlights from Thanksgiving Thanks-A-Thon telethon on the 2020 elections, communism's long progression and its plan to destroy America

Tags: Election Integrity, Mike Lindell, Voting Machines, Communism

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Sherronna Bishop

Kyle Rittenhouse found not guilty on all counts!  

We’ll have analysis and reaction from Chuck and Julie and listeners.

Plus the FBI breaks down the door in a raid on America’s Mom’s home Sherronna Bishop. Is the FBI targeting her because of her fight for parents’ rights or election integrity or both??

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Establishment Scrambles To Defeat AZ AG Election Fraud Investigation. Mike Lindell's Thanksgiving Election Integrity Telethon

Subtitle: November 2, 2021 elections showed promise for reversing communist takeover of USA but election integrity battles continue. Election integrity telethon coincides with Supreme Court lawsuit to reverse 2020 election results.

Tags: Election Integrity, Mike Lindell, Election Integrity Telethon, US Supreme Court

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Mike Lindell's Election Integrity Thanksgiving Telethon, China Testing US Resolve Everywhere

Subtitle: creator Mike Lindell is organizing a four-day election integrity telethon around Thanksgiving coinciding with submission of a bill of complaint about the 2020 election to the US Supreme Court. Communist China's bullying and threats to invade Taiwan are part of its testing of the USA's resolve on many fronts.

Tags: Election Integrity, Red China, Joe Biden, COVID19, Ivermectin

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Updates on election integrity battles, Chaos and totalitarianism in China, Is the USA next?

Subtitle: Don't buy the lie that  Arizona election audit confirmed Joe Biden won, no fraud. Emperor Ji Jinping cracks down on freedom and capitalism--globalists wake up!

Tags: Electron Fraud, Election Integrity, Chinese Communist Party, Oligarchs, Globalists, Deep State

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: CCP Owns US Mainstream Media, Draconian New COVID Restrictions?, States Push More Election Audits

Subtitle: CCP paid millions to US media elites to cover up COVID19 origin, praise CCP; Biden and his handlers signal new COVID restrictions; can we undo the 'coup'?

Tags: Joe Biden, CCP, COVID19, Election Integrity, Election Audits

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Arizona Election Audit Reveals Election Was Fraudulent

Subtitle: Democrats, RINOs continue to bitterly oppose full forensic election audits in AZ, GA, other states; what could happen if we don't win this fight

Tags: Election Integrity; Arizona Election Audit; Globalists; Capitalist Elites; World Government, World Economic Forum


The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title: Pennsylvania joins Arizona, Georgia for full 2020 election forensic audit battle; Rudy Giuliani's law license suspended; world elites' plan to enslave the world; rumor of top CCP spy defection

Subtitle: Pennsylvania legislators begin efforts to launch their own full forensic election audit. Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani talks about leftist attacks on him. Evidence mounts that a high-level communist Chinese spy master has defected with a treasure trove of data. 

The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Title:  Cultural Marxism; Critical Race Theory; Election Integrity; First Amendment; Goals of the Left: Destroy the Republic; force Marxism on Americans; hand USA to communist China

Leftist infiltration and takeover of US education system, media, social and government institutions was and is funded by the super rich


Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell & Julie Hayden with Rep. Patrick Neville and Dr. Matt Dunn.

Grassroots Republicans in Colorado and across the country fight back for election integrity.  

Rep. Patrick Neville joins the show to talk about efforts in Colorado.

Plus Dr. Matt Dunn of 710KNUS’s Backbone Radio joins the show to talk about the latest Swamp betrayal and the US Supreme Court.

YouTube Video Link: