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Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger

Dare To Dream with Debbi Dachinger and guest Veera Mahajan

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure

Turn Struggles Into Success with Co-Author of Bestselling Book “Sexy With No Boundaries,” and Author of “Self-Aid – Inspirations to Turn Struggles Into Success, ” Helen Woo, and Musical Guest Folk Indie Singer/Songwriter Marie Danielle who herself found the courage to persevere, after just a little over a year ago, having had a brush with death in a violent domestic relationship.  On The LIFE CHANGES Show – Radio Show #331

It is not so much what we put out that creates so much enmity among us, but rather what we withhold that strangles the love and undermines rapport, respect, caring, trust, understanding, support, and compassion, which, in turn, greatly retards progress.

This realization has profound implications for any system or relationship attempting to mitigate hostility.  Most of us react to what others put out and rarely see or understand what is being withheld. 

In fact, it is fear that causes all withholds.