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Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Join us as we cover the people, the politics and the current events that shape our world today! Call in at 888-627-6008 and let's start a conversation about what is important to you!

Our returning guest is Charles 'Chuck' Hicks, who we call "Mr. Black History" here in DC. He is the Founder/Director of the DC Black History Celebration Committee which celebrates black history year-round. Hicks is also a proud member of the NAACP and well known for providing 35 years of service to the DC Public Library’s Black Studies Center. Hicks is a supporter and advocate of the African American Civil War Memorial & Museum.

New Year 2019 - New DC Statehood Movement? This Sunday, our guest is Anise Jenkins - Executive Director, Stand Up! For Democracy in DC/ Free DC! She has been agitating, educating, organizing and mobilizing for DC statehood for more than 20 years. Stand Up! (Free DC) was founded in 1997 to help residents of our nation’s capital achieve full and equal citizenship rights. Let's hear what the New Year has in store for the Statehood Movement!

This week we look at the new split that has emerged in the Democratic Party as officials try to make sense of the shocking defeat of Democratic Rep. Joseph Crowley to Progressive Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; the recent Annapolis shooting; the ongoing fight for Immigration and other topical issues of the day!

Senator Michael D. Brown is back with us after his campaign win this past week! We'll be discussing current events, activities in Washington and President Trump’s 'Zero Tolerance' immigration policy that has led to images of children screaming as they were separated from their mothers. We've seen children being placed in cages at Wal-Mart warehouses & other facilities costing $750 per day to housing and caring for them. Finally bowing to pressure, Trump signs an Executive Order ending his family separation policy.

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Our topics this week include the President's first speech to Congress, the economy and the new bill for D.C. Statehood called the  'Washington, DC Admission Act' introduced by Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton and DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson to make Washington, DC the 51st state.  The bill is co-sponsored by all 116 Democrats. In the past, Congresswoman Norton has introduced DC statehood bills with each new Congress, previously known as the New Columbia Admission Act.

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown and Kathleen Gomez