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Timothy J Glenn returns with some surprising updates for 2016!  During this show, he talks about Nemesis, also known as Niburu or Wormwood, and 2016 being the defining year for earth and humanity...with a chuckle or two!  He mentions Robert Sutton Harrington's video in which he talks with Sitchin called "Are We Alone"?  and mentions the Bob Dean 2008 Niburu interview with Kerry Cassidy.  We return to the vast nature of the "Cosmic Matrix", run by A.I., and "where did the Annunaki go?"  This is one show not to miss!

Alfred Lambremonte Webre returns to share new information about the secret space program, the Multiverse, the Omniverse, the Spiritual Dimensions, the Mars and the Moon Bases, the Breakaway Civilization, the negative timeline which represents the Dracos, Grays and A.I. vs. the Positive timeline many awake and aware humans are presently creating.  There is a predatory form of advanced A.I. from the Dracos, which is called the "Red Queen".

Timothy returns to share Cosmic Wisdom in our uniquely shared journey.  We go over the concept of the synthetic overlay, the Cosmic Matrix which is Inter-Galactic and 9 dimensional, while having a few laughs along the way.