Chuck And Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guests, Ron Hanks and Anna Ferguson - CO GOP calls for corrupt Secretary of State Griswold to resign
The Colorado Republican Party calls for corrupt Colorado Secretary of State Griswold to resign as the the Party reveals bombshell information on the election systems passwords scandal and cover up. Party Secretary Anna Ferguson and Rep. Ron Hanks, Chair of the Party Ballot and Election Security Committee join the show with the latest.
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guest, Lori Saine, Grassroots Commissioner
Lawyers, and killers, and endangered birds.....this and more is the setting for this fascinating story, "The Condor Song". History weaves in and out of the intriquing plot and the ending is a big surprise. This is a wonderful novel to keep company with on a cold autumn evening. Join us for a fascinating journey into the unexpected.