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Listen to my show, and only then will you know the value of language through the kind of communication we all have with one another.  Language is a beautiful form of expression, but it can also be just as much provocative and conflictive as it can be peaceful: it’s our choice to do with it what we think is best.  But if language is our predominant form of communication, that is, the one form or method we use the most to communicate, then why do we continue to have so much trouble with it?  Why do we have so many problems communicating ideas and messages to one another? 

Communication is at the heart of anyone's success regardless of the area of expertise.  Zach Friend will be sharing skills he has learned through his public service work and dealing with people who want to be at the top of their game whatever that might be. Listen in and tips will be shared.

Sweeping changes are taking place in the corporate and social cultures of today's most successful organizations. Dana Ardi identifies a pivotal evolutionary moment: the decline of the traditional Alpha-model that has ruled corporate environments for far too long. We'll find out how collaboration, connectivity and sharing of power goes a long way for a healthier business environment.

The power of negotiation...we all can improve on that skill. Tali Raphaely gives some excellent perspectives so you can feel secure in your negotiation skills instead of feeling intimated, making you vulnerable to uncomfortable situations.