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Join myself, Maria and Kathleen Gomez as we celebrate MOTHER’S DAY worldwide and talk politics! We’ll look at the latest developments on the race to the White House from a Democratic, Republican and Independent (Kathleen’s) perspective. Will the Republicans attempt to block Trump's nomination at the convention? How serious a threat is Bernie to Hilary's nomination? Stay tuned!

Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Harness and TRANSFORM the experience of this prolific Mercury Retrograde TODAY!

Through the profound power of passionate action you will spread your wings and prepare for take-off!  Imagine your life with EVERYTHING aligned and available.  Unlock the flame of your divine power as you harness the transformative experience of this energetic moment!

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters & Julie Peters

Grief is a reaction we share, from losses of many kinds - Death, Divorce, loss of dreams, your own health, Youth, your many more. It can leave us debilitated until we heal the deep intricacies of our identities.  It can have a dire effect on our health. But John James and Russell Friedman Founded The Grief Recovery Institute in LA.


Writer and Executive Director of The Grief Recovery Institute
Catalytic with Sheryl Hirsch-Kramer

Have you ever wondered why schools require students to study subjects they will never use in adult life while neglecting to teach subjects they will use every day?  And what might life be like for us if we were taught how to be in relationship?  A successful life is built by cultivating one relationship at a time.  Why do some people appear to be naturals at getting along with others while others throw up their hands in frustration?  News flash:  the way you love may be entirely different from the way your mother/friend/colleague/spouse loves.  Understanding ho

This week on ‘Conscious Conversations’we talk with Harvey Kraft, the Award-winning author of 'The Buddha from Babylon: The Lost History and Cosmic Vision of Siddhartha Gautama' and the upcoming Novel 'THE WAKER Portal of Perfect Light'.

This week our guest is Charles J. Moreland, the first elected United States Representative from D.C. for the District. We will be discussing DC Mayor Muriel Bowser's new statehood plan to put a referendum on the November Ballot to ask the people of the District of Columbia if they support statehood for DC.  She serves as Washington, DC’s seventh elected Mayor.  Sworn in on January 2, 2015, she pledged to bring a fresh start to the District of Columbia, create pathways to the middle class for residents, and foster a culture of inclusion, transparency and action.