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Making A Difference with Melissa Clark

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark and guest Ben Pappas

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Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Ted Trimpa

Another night of protests… another night of riots and arrests.  Chuck and Julie analyze some of the police reform proposals and get a Democrat point of view with Democrat strategist Ted Trimpa.

YouTube Video Link:

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guest Dr. Brian Joondeph

Dr. Brian Joondeph, a Colorado physician and political columnist joins Chuck and Julie to talk about his latest column in American Thinker… Cooking the Books on Covid-19 deaths.

YouTube Video Link:

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden and guests Patrick Neville, Mark Pfoff and a guest from the Colorado Sec. of State's office

YouTube Video Link:

Inspirational Speaker, Best-Selling Author with his upcoming book 'The 12 Rules of Attention'
Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie and Julie Peters

Topic: What do Dan Savage's caller and Stephen King have in common? A murder kink. And Julie shares how she was wrong when she believed men and women could share bathrooms.

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie and Julie Peters

Topic: What to do with Covid-19 money, Chris and Norm's fight, and a review of The Wrong Missy.

Let's Talk with Emma with your host Emma Frye

Saturdays with Emma with Emma Frye and guest Jimmy Levy

My guest is a singer/songwriter, Musician and recording artist with over 30,000 fans on the popular app He has performed in many live theater shows, and his art has been shown in numerous galleries near his hometown of South Florida. He launched the recording label LEG.

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark and guests Monsignor John for an opening prayer and interview with Preferred Health Magazine’s former cover star Chef Jonathan Scinto and devoted vegan and nutritionist Amanda Mancini

YouTube Video Link: