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A Fireside Chat with Lance White and guest Mark McCandlish

​Mark talks about the Secret Space Program, Breakaway Civilization, zero point energy, and recounts riveting alien abductions from those who remember their telepathic connection, who share how thoughts shift matter.  Time travel and the 4th Event.


ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained links between the most recent scientific discoveries and different levels of perception on the Spiritual Path and levels of creating and maintaining optimum health. Key information concerning some of the secret inner teaching of Xi Gong. 

Artist, Illustrator, UFO and Zero Point Energy Research
The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon and Tracie Mahan

The Metaphysical Hour with Julia Cannon interviewing Forest Crawford

Technical Training Manager in Pharmaceuticals

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was mostly about a spiritual journey and specifying different levels of consciousness. Multiple techniques were interwoven connecting Yoga or 'Union with Higher Self' and extraterrestrial teaching.

George has had a lifetime of strange and wonderful experiences beyond the ordinary, encountering both benevolent and malevolent inter-dimensional and extra- terrestrial beings. As a consequence he went through a process of reconciling the knowledge and wisdom gained form these experiences and came to realise a natural responsibility to share what he has learnt with our global community.

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This episode was about the foundation of language on Earth and its connections to ET civilizations which contribute DNA and creating different races on the planet. Also, included was info on several ET races, Reality Creation tips and amazing new products to promote exceptional health. 

ET Yoga with Charles Green This episode was the ET Yoga spin on a New Year. It included suggestions for inner work resolutions, connected the body's signals to emotional issues, articulated the concept that you 'Don't have a belief you don't prefer' and even speculated on things to look forward to in 2017.