The Galactic Roundtable with Beth Trutwin on BBS Radio!
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode was mainly about the ET base found in Bucegi, Romania. Also includes info about belief systems and comments regarding mainstream media iformation.
"The Incoming Energy Shifts and How to Deal with Them"
This interview is with Jerry Yusko and Alexandra Meadors where he reviews his new technique entitled "Become a Master Through Living in Your Temple." This interview was packed with some profound discussion on your temple, contracts you have made, mantras to develop, descension vs. ascension, DNA contamination, belief systems, self-identity, cellular memory and more. I think you will really enjoy Jerry's enlightened passion on assisting others step into their mastery.
The Galactic Roundtable with Beth Trutwin on BBS Radio!
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest, Nick Pope and topics covering UFOs in England, Flying Saucers, UFO Encounters, etc..
ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode featured much detail about our Galactic Heritage, the PaaTal and the Alpha Draconians.
ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest Pierre Beake. Topics include Crop Circles.
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guest, Barbara Harris of the Joshua Tree area, a historian and UFO researcher
Galactic Connection with Alexandra Silby-Meadors and special guest, James Carman of The Hidden Hand - Alien Contact and the Government Cover-up documentary.