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James interviews Jon Rappoport, Investigative Reporter who continues to be a sane voice amongst all the false flags and scare tactics being broadcast by the mainstream media about "Ebola" .  Jon has dedicated over 30 years to getting to the truth behind the headline. James and Jon talk about the government role in population control, the accuracy of the PRC test (the World Health Organization's "go-to" test to determine if a person has Ebola) and the business of creating an epidemic.

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland and special guest Randy Cramer, aka Captain Kaye

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode featured 'A Poor Man's Guide to Health and Happiness' and included the Hari Om Mantra meditation and the XYZ Extra-terrestrial meditation.

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst and special guest, Captain Robert Salas

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

Former Canadian Minister of Defence - Canadian Politician, Journalist, Political Commentator, Author, Senior Minister, Deputy Prime Minister

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode centered around the idea that you need to be a frequency match for what you experience as your outer reality. 

Stewart Swerdlow created a ground breaking program tonight with revelations about what's really happening on Planet Earth and beyond.  We discussed the Montauk Project, Alien Agendas, the Illuminati agenda and various forms of mind control.  This is a show not to be missed!  Be sure to check out Stewart's website for the upcoming Montauk Chronicles and the seminar in October:  "Everything Oversoul and the Alien Agenda".