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MIKE GRAVEL - Former US Senator discusses his career and exposes the truth about the US Government and its control by corporations, lobbies, Wall Street and the ongoing corruption.  Mike takes auidence questions from all over the USA regarding his thoughts on legalization of Marijuana, UFO disclosure, Government policy, the restoration of law and many other issues.

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Is humanity ready for contact with Alien beings?

From skeptics to believers and from science to spirit the experience of UFO’s and other worldly spirits is hard to dismiss.  More and more we are witnessing a rising public awareness that we are not alone in the universe and should this concern us?

Sri and Kira Live with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Is there a Spiritual side to Politics and if so, then what?

The political climate worldwide is in the midst of vast change and shift as more people awaken at a rapid pace.  This global awakening is the basis of a deeply concerning power struggle that is heating up the energies of polarity and spouting polarizing opinion as facts.  This is a recipe that can easily turn sour and is there a solution before it is too late?

with sri ram kaa and kira raa

Surviving Shifting Paradigms and Global Evolution

The structures of society and the way we all live are changing.  Everyone can agree that what once was is no more and the future is still not written!  Humanity has the unique opportunity to avoid the repetition of cycles that always bear the same results if we are open to growing through the mistakes of the past.  

Adventures Into Sovereignty with Andrew Bartzis and Rebecca Cope

JAMES FETZER - Editor at Veterans Today speaks about the recent shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson Missouri, the autopsy, discrepancies, and abuses of the police.