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JULIAN ROSE returns to share numerous insights regarding the "global agendas" hastily leading towards a One World Government.  This is a "no holds barred" interview, which contains information which may surprise, as it informs.  Towards the end, we talk about "Beyond Black", and the necessity to align with our spiritual nature and take critical actions now, not later.  Don't miss this show!

You can find articles, essays, projects and his books, here:

ROBERT STEELE - ex-CIA officer speaks about the many conspiracies that people wonder about including: 9-11, JFK, Ebola, Oklahoma bombing, including recent accusations against the UN that health organizations are trying to sterilize African women with a tetanus innoculation.  He takes questions from the worldwide listening audience.

ET-First Contact Radio with Maarten Horst - and special guest, Gary Evans... Read more at

The Galactic Roundtable with Elizabeth Trutwin

LEONARD HOROWITZ - Ebola researcher and author of AIDS & Ebola: Nature, Accident or Intentional?, speaks about the origins, use and intent of Ebola and its manufacturers for purposes of greed, genocide and control of the population.

Jamie Janover shared a wealth of information about Nassim Haramien's unified field theory, and about the Resonance Project.  The revelations that are emerging from Nassim's work, and those who present it, are beginning to rock the world - similar to the idea that the Earth was not flat!  This is a powerful show that inspires the new quantum thinking.  

I highly recommend the DVD by Nassim Haramein, "Black Whole".  It literally shifted my consciousness!

Multi-Instrumentalist Musician, Photographer, Sculpture and Emissary for the Resonance Project