Sound Healing with David Gibson
The Sound Education Association for the Children
The Sports Doctor with Dr. Robert Weil
Guests, Ian Goldberg and Mary Leonard
Just The Tips with Dean Holland and James P Friel
Guest, Yara Goldin, email marketing, getting people to open every email and read every word, and how to grow your list and make more money from your audience
Voices of Courage with Ken D Foster
Guest, Dr Sue Morter, The Courage to Awaken Your Spirit
International speaker, Master of Bio-Energetic Medicine and Quantum Field visionary, Dr. Sue utilizes the embodiment of high frequency energy patterns to activate full human potential. Through her seminars, retreats and presentations she illuminates the relationships of quantum thoughts and energy medicine; the elevation of human consciousness and life mastery.
SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta
Show Headline: Zen Buddhist Solves Nazca Lines, Orion Lines & Stonehenge
Show Description: Zen Buddhist Solves Nazca Lines, Orion Lines & Stonehenge. Great Pyramids, Greys, Dogon Tribe, Eisenhower Treaty, WW2, Zeta Reticuli, Jesus, Satanic Aliens, Adrenochrome, D.U.M.B.S., Agenda21, Nazi Death Marches, Looking Glass, Great Star Alignment, Area51, All Seeing Eye, Agenda30.
SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta
Show Description: FLAT EARTH AWAKENING...Is NASA Lying? Shuttle Challenger Hoax, Heliocentric Model Debunked, Disney, Pluto, Moon, Sun, Zodiac Wheel
SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Ajay Matta
Show Headline: DARK MAGICK, Channeled By Adronis
Show Sub Headline: SpirituallyRAW The Ass Whipping Truth with April and Jay
Show Description: Channeled Messages By Adronis with Brad Johnson.
DARK MAGICK, FALL OF AN EMPIRE, The BIG HICCUP, Lock-Down, Gates, Biden, The Christ, Chaos, Intervention, Black-Out, Great Restructuring, Karma, Sympathetic Resonance Clones, Ensoulment, Body Hijacking, Earths Prosperity!