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Author, Editor, Manager of Communications, Medium
Author, Mentor and Public Speaker
Software Engineer, Humanitarian, Progenitor of Dischoops, Writer, Director, Producer
Writer, Philosopher, Teacher, Esoteric Researcher, Lecturer, Teacher, Author
Authority on Near Death, Near Death Researcher, Scientist, Author, Writer, Columnist, Director, Forms Analyst, Entrepreneur, Altered States Investigator, Hypnotist, Numerologist, Astrologer, Speaker, Therapeutic Counselor
Esoteric Researcher, Consciousness Explorer, Writer, Author, Keynote Speaker
Empath, Visionary, Intuitive, Consciousness Researcher, Author, Lecturer, Counselor, Trainer, Consultant, Advisor, Teacher, Writer, Art Director, Graphic Designer, Editor, Promoter, Business Manager, Photographer, Poet
Neuroscientist, Psychologist, Psychiatrist, Biobehavioral Scientist, International Speaker, Teacher, Author
Author, Filmmaker, Researcher