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Cedar Mountain Drums Founder, Gestalt Therapist, Stockbroker, Fund-Raiser, Consultant, Therapist, Drum Circle Leader, Drum Maker, Workshop Facilitator
Singer, Music Producer, Pianist, Songwriter, Recording Artist, Sound Healer, Entreprenuer, Spiritualist
Midwife, Holistic Health Provider, Alternative Healer, Integrative Medicine Doctorate
Musician, Composer, Sound Therapy Practitioner
Regina Rose Murphy, Teacher, Emotional Therapist, Lecturer, Speaker, Columnist, Author, Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Sound Therapist, Photographer

DENEAN, singer/songwriter and passionate lover of Mother Earth and all our relations shares her amazing music and philosophy with us. She spent years working with top country music artists in Nashville, then joined a production company in Colorado to produce her signature album, "Fire Prayer". Since then, she has formed her own production company, and won the 2000 New Mexico "Mic" award as best producer.

Sound Healing is an effective and proven modality. Sound is a type of energy medicine that uses vibrational sound to help reduce stress, alter consciousness and create a deep sense of peace, well being and better health. Through the current flourishing of research in the field, today the ancient art of sound healing is rapidly developing into a new and honored science. Today my guest are Regina Murphy and Richard Plunkett from The secrets of sound therapy will be discussing the benefits of this therapy and how it works.

Numerous studies have been conducted in recent years specific to sound therapy used for babies. The results show that certain sounds create a calming effect and bring balance. Sound is the first sense to develop fully. The fetus ear is ready to perceive sound at 4 1/2 months, therefore we must give special care and attention to this stage. My guest Regina Murphy of and Heather Clarke, will share with us insights into the developmental stages from utero to childhood.

As the Law of attraction becomes more and more popular, so does the law of frustration. You know what I'm talking about- when you know exactly what you want, focus on it, give thanks in advance for it, affirm it, envision it. and it still doesn't show up. I've noticed that the most common reason people are unable to attract what they want in life, is because they have an energy block. Join me as my guest Dale Ivory explains what is energy, how it works and what it means to us!

Medicine Woman, Reiki Master, Crystal Healer, Toltec Dreamworker, Minister, Shamanic Medicine Explorer, Sound Healer