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"Journey of the Awakened Heart" with Jeff Fasano. Jeff is an author, Reiki Master, Light Ascension Therapist, trance channel and a well-respected photographer in the Indie Music scene and Broadway Theater.

Founder and President of the Anniue Appleseed Project, Public Speaker, Autho, Consumer Advocate
Co-founders of, Founder of the Global CE-5 ET Contact Initiative, Founder of The People's Disclosure Movement, Hollis is a clairvoyant and featured in the film documentary Sirius

The Time-Map System is a proven Scientific system to help you navigate your life. You no longer have to live by default, because with this system you will know the answer to the question.  

Treatment Advocacy Center Executive Director, Doris Fuller speaks about improved mental illness treatment laws and implementation.  The Treatment Advocacy Center promotes laws, policies and practices for the delivery of psychiatric care and supports the development of innovative treatments for and research into the causes of severe and persistent psychiatric illnesses, such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.

Being comfortable is a goal that virtually everybody works towards. And these efforts might become more pronounced as we age and feeling at ease becomes an increasingly higher priority. Our two guests today work to help aging people gain the comfort in their homes that they deserve.