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Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guest, Alfred Kendrick

How powerful and important are our feelings? Beginning with his original poem, "Feelings, the Language of Relationship," Rochelle and Errol probe this all important (and sometimes all-consuming) human expression.  The program also features the poem "Hope" put to music.--a very haunting and rich journey into the loss of hope and its "resurrection."  Listen to this show and expereince the Striders' usual blend of thoughtful conversation, some amazing music and, of course, the Striders' unique brand of whimzy and comical perspectives.

Find the secret to living abroad happily. Do you feel that your life is too complicated and stressful? Mika Douglas left the USA with her husband Bobby, their dog Barkley, $7,000 and a few boxes to start a new life. Living in Thailand and then Chile, they are completely reshaping their view of what’s important in life. In the first of this two-part show, (listen to part-one) Mika talked about what led up to their decision to leave the country, how they overcame their fears and finally, how they settled into a new slimmed down lifestyle.

The Spring of Life Show with Jasmine Iwaszkiewicz and Benjamin Schmidt!

InnerViews with Kimmie Rose and Donna Visocky! Be open to the signs and messages! Stop controlling it. Let the Ego go! Be Present! Go to Fort Collins.

The Power of Manifestation, Kundalini Energy, and the Great Serpent Mound 

The next topic of discussion on Quantum Mindfulness Radio will be on the Alchemic Nature of Intention, Energy, and The Great Serpent Mound of Adams County, Ohio where this inspiring online radio talk show will be uncovering the relationship between The Great Serpent Mound and its spiritual alignment with Sacred Geometry, other sacred ancient sights across the planet, Quantum Theory, Miracles in Manifestation, The Christ Consciousness Grid of Mother Gaia, and in the three

Healng The Heart with Dr. Eric Love on BBS Radio - Show #14

Love Healing System. Clematis: Spacey. Centaury: too much of a nice guy, people pleasing, always giving and giving. For boundaries, for saying "no". Shielding and Protection Remedies: Walnut: shielding for one strong/dominating person (mother, father, brother, spouse etc.) or place like NYC.