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From Fantasy to Fetish and then some! Ever wonder what it would feel like to be the dominatrix, or maybe just to be spanked? In the next hour, Jennifer Elizabeth Masters, author or ORGASM FOR LIFE, will continue part-2 of this series! There are so many dimensions of KINKY sex, but we are going to start to cover them! Whether in a new relationship or married for years gone by, fantasies, and kinky sexual concepts can spice up any relationship. These can be so difficult to discuss, but on this show, nothing is TABOO, so HERE WE GO!d?

Today, on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about the New Language of Consciousness. Many of us don't have the words to describe what is happening as we go through this collective identity shift.  As we view and experience the world as Consciousness, we are all becoming more psychic, intuitive, sensitive. We need to upgrade our definitions of growth and change.  It is all about centering and accessing information from within. Join Joan and Janet as they explore ways to redefine our own senses of self!

Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

David and Lana get into things deep and take on the gender issues!

Tonight on Universal Soul Love we'll look at how the genders stand in today's modern, or not so modern world.

- Are gender differences still relevant?

- Are they important . . . are they useful?

- Does it help romance or kill it?

- Are we gradually evolving into genderless beings?

- Are there differences in the gender relations in different countries - say America and . . . Australia down under???

The Good News with Reverend Joseph Caesar

March 18, 2008 Original Airing Date on BBS Radio

This weeks Paradigm Shifter is the beloved Ammagi, an ordained Hindu monk in the lineage of the Siddha Path. Ammagi is the channel for Mafu but today it is Ammagi's beautiful words we are fortunate enough to hear. Ammagi and Veronica discuss the shifting tide of consciousness on the planet, our role as intentional beings in that shift and the love and service we can bring to one another. This is an inspiring and powerful interview.