Well, maybe you do. Rochelle and I have become particularly sensitive to the "You have no idea" phenomenon in light of our son and his spouse's 6 mo old baby. As Ian, my son, shared with me, he had no idea of what it would actually be like to be parenting. While Rochelle and I have some idea, we've probably forgotten most of it. Who knew?
Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Emotions! As Consciousness, we exist as Joy and Love. Our bodies feel many more emotions than that! Emotions direct and color our life experiences. As children we fully feel and enjoy our emotions, but as adults - not so much. Our body communicates to us as Consciousness with emotions, we need to allow our body its full vocabulary and listen to what it's asking from us!
Alexandra Meadors and Winston Shrout share an interview hunkering down on the topic of commerce through a metaphysical perspective.
Next Universal Soul Love: Dr Lana Love and Det David Love discuss the "Super Consciousness Project".
The Super Consciousness Project is an initiative Dr Lana and Det David Love began over a year ago with the intention of expanding the collective consciousness of humanity to a higher level.
The idea behind this project is to form "catalyst groups" with talented mediums, channelers, and psychics within the spiritual community. This goal of this project is to create a mass awakening around the world.
Living Your Soul's Journey with Dr. Vikke special guest Robert Tumm Learning to use advanced Energy techniques to enhance your life, like spiritual protections and ways of handling old negative energies and ridding ourselves of old patterns.