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Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - Friday's show!

Cancel the Cabal with Stephen Roberts and special guest Alex Bratty

Today on Conscious Conversations, Joan and Janet talk about Authentic Voice and Consciousness. When is it wise to listen to fear, and when is fear just 'gremlin voices' holding you back? 

Two men from different countries and cultures share a passion -- they strive to liberate men from the emotional turmoil of sexual trauma and break the silence of sexual abuse. Listen to a very moving interview with Perto Herrera, a survivor of severe sexual abuse, and Don Wright, founder of B.C. Society for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse.

So you've had a life changing spiritual experience . . .or several…now what? Often these experiences can leave us with more questions than answers and support is sometimes challenging to call forward.  Sri & Kira FOR THE FIRST TIME will share what happened in the 2870 yr old temple at Bet Dwarka, India and their own day to day challenges with integration of this experience and their life afterward.  Learn how to integrate your profound experiences with grace, ease and love!  All questions and personal sharing of your experiences are welcome.