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Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - FRIDAY

Ask Kadian with Kadian Grant

Tonight's discussion will be on the election and how it relates to you, Part 2. Let's talk about politics differently. Are you voting your belief system? Are you creating with or without consciousness? We'll discuss how you can help your candidate move closer to victory.

Conscious Conversations Joan Newcomb and Janet Barrett

This week, Joan and Janet talk about extra sensory perceptions and consciousness. Are you having inexplicable experience of expansion? Heightened emotions? Feeling other people's feelings or knowing stuff you couldn't possibly know? We'll discuss what is happening on the planet and why people's extra sensory perceptions are going through the roof at this time! Tune next for answers to these and even deeper questions!

Eve's Corner with Prophetess Amina Campbell

Eve's Corner with Prophetess Campbell

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr. Alison Kay

Vibrational UPgrade with Dr. Alison Kay

Yoga, Meditation & the Nature of the Mind on our planet during this Awakening time now

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Natural Solutions Radio with Sir Eliezer Ben-Joseph

Another outstanding interview by Alexandra Meadors!

Taansen Fairmont doesn't just articulate the path of financial sovereignty clearly and beautifully - he more importantly lays out the golden signposts that are legally available to attain that sovereignty - here and now.

Some of the most important topics covered are the  different types of trusts, the importance of language, and how simple the process of transforming ourselves within our relationship to abundance can be.

ET Yoga with Charles Green, banner

ET Yoga with Charles Green-This Episode was about the real Yoga or union of you and your Higher Self. Information from Sri Ramana Maharshi and Mooji centered on the idea of non-identification of personality and the process of Self Enquiry and Satsang. 

All Paws Pet Talk Radio and TV

All Paws Pet Talk with Deb Wolfe and Guests, Barbara Cappelli (, Bonnie Snyder (Max Launcher), Chris Ruben and Becky Starr

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett

Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama, along with Caroline Jones, Cathy Lauren, D'Yanna and Angel Sue

Transformational Clearing and a mini start to discovering some of your blockages.

Sharing “miracle happenings”.