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The Journey 8 with Rev Judy Hosner

The Journey 8 with Rev Judy Hosner and cohost Ryan Duncan

Title: More Barbaric Atrocities by Islam World Wide

Should we tolerate this barbarism in America?


Cultural Enrichment destroying UK and Germany. Massive Jihadist Terror Attacks World Wide



Governments of these respective governments are sabotaging their own countries for promises of political power and great wealth. Rapes and female mutilation we see in Africa are coming to Europe.


Inbreeding creates violent, barbaric killers – Play the audio


List of terror attacks over the weekend

Intuitive strategist and spiritual advisor
The Gray Brain and the Golden Soul with Blake Rubie

The Gray Brain and the Golden Soul with Blake Rubie

Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

Hard News with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and friends

Title: Americans love being lied to.

Trump’s foreign policy is more of the same from the last two administrations and this claim that taxes can’t be cut until Obamacare care is repealed and replaced is a bold faced lie!


Title:Lies, Lies, Sweet Little Lies. Americans love being lied to. 

Those who question the government's narrative get vilified by all who cling to their cognitive dissonance.

It's very difficult to believe we are being played by the powers that be.  

The CIA invented the term conspiracy theorist

Why the blue bloods sponsor islam – Audio

The common denominator between the NWO and islam – audio