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Holistic Psychologist, Public Speaker, Life Coach, Therapist, Author of "Evolve", Developed a unique integrative Holistic Platform called Psychapressure
Naturopathic Physician, Founder of the Grace Gawler Cancer Foundation-Germany and Australials

Bonnie is an incredible woman whose life has followed a most unique pattern. She founded the world's only academic college that awards associate and master's degrees in dog studies. She works with at-risk youth and is the winner of Oprah Winfrey's Use Your Life Award.

Founder of The Bonnie Bergin Assistance Dog Institute

Dr. Susan Kolb talks with Guest Maureen Healey. Topics include: The Energetic Keys to Indigo Kids: Your Guide to Raising and Resonating with the New Children

Author, Speaker, Healer, Psychologist, Child Development Doctor, Reiki Master, Teacher
Metaphysical Researcher, Expert of Occult, Doctor of Divinity, Doctor of Philosphy, Psychologist, Counseler, Humanitarian, Author
Quantum Field Psychologist, Teacher, Energy Healer, Writer, Public Speaker