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Sri and Kira Live with Sri Kam Kaa and Kira Raa

Sri and Kira Live with Sri and Kira

CEO of Mastery of Change, Business Coach, Author of Qanon For Beginners, Independent Journalist, and Youtuber

FaithSprings Baptist Live with Dr. Gregory Williams

YouTube Video Link:

Joseph Varley Presents Code Man HERO with Joseph Varley

Joseph Varley Presents with Joseph Varley and guests Dr. Jeffery Smith, Kelvin Chin, Linda Dierks, Dr. Diane Bryan and Dr. Melvin Morse

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark

Making A Difference with Melissa Clark and guests Father John, Katrina Cousineau, Jenny B. and then Barry the Photographer.

YouTube Video Link:

Authority Grace with Prophetess Demetria

Authority Grace with Prophetess Demetria Turner

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

Crazy Sexy Midlife Love Morgana Rae-Galaudet and Devin Galaudet

Track records of romantic failure, love flourishing as we age, the pluses of getting married 100 times in 100 countries 

The Power of Synergy with Gabrielle Cardona

Yours Mine and Ours with Gabrielle Cardona

Set yourself up for success