Life is full of stories, but we are not our story. Find out the difference and its significance for you.
Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and special guests, Stefan Pinto and Musical Guest Raspin Stuwart
New Realities with Alan Steinfeld and special guests, Hans Hvass and Maria Nelson
Next on Universal Soul Love with David and Lana Love with special guest David Coles
Sun of God University with The Hosts on BBS Radio!
Adventures Into Reality with Andrew Bartzis, Danielle Lynn and Santi Azpilicueta and guests
This week's show focused on "Becoming the Witness." We explore the importance of becoming the experiencer of our experiences--apparently, a vital perspective to cultivate in growing in consciousness and awareness.
With great songs by Freebo, Eva Cassidy, and others.
Check it out.
And invite your witness to listen in with you.
The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi
Guest: Jordan Maxwell