Debut of Akashic Wisdom with Dahna Fox on BBS Radio!
The Akashic Records are the energetic recording of your soul's journey over every lifetime. Every thought, word & deed is registered in the Akasha including your Soul's intention for this lifetime.
YOU are my guest! This show is dedicated to getting your questions about your life answered and receiving your "Message from the Akasha".
Passionate about the liberation and wholeness of all Beings, Adama speaks to the issues of resurrection, qualifying for continued existence and true personal empowerment; her messages reach deep into the hearts, minds and lives of all who listen. Inspirational, informational and providing much needed life-support. Adama encourages her listeners with love to consciously apply themselves to stepping wholeheartedly upon the path of light through the path of exaltation through purification and consistent re commitment to the Laws of Existence.
New Realities is dedicated to exploring evolving human potentials in an evolving world. This series explores the idea of how to become more conscious beings. We present programs that invite the viewer to look at automatic behaviors and take free reign of their body, mind and spirit so that we can hope to inhabit and create a better world.
This program is constantly on the look out for new and different perspectives in achieving a greater and more peaceful reality for the planet. It is about embracing a synthesis of rational understanding with mystical awareness.
Debut of Cosmic LOVE show
"In the beginning, God geometrized."
-ancient Hermetic wisdom
"In the end, we become what we geometrize."
- modern GeoNotes wisdom
On this program, we deal with all aspects of aging. And one part of adding on the birthdays is living with memories. Our first guests this afternoon, Deanna Adams, has written extensively about rock-n-roll memories, detailing a more innocent time when we baby boomer were captivated by music that spoke for our generations.
Much has been written and said to the effect that Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia can steal away people’s intellectual processes, leaving them dependent on others. And this dialogue has translated into its becoming a greatly-feared diagnosis. Well, Alzheimer’s might impair the memory of those who are living with it and it might also slow some of their mental processes. But interestingly enough, it might simultaneously work to make them more creative.