Affirmation For Living with Dr Rev Edwige Bingue
Interviewing headlined guest: Kartron
School of Human Potential with Allen Vaysberg and special guest, Danae Shanti
What is Universal Spirituality?
Polarization is at an all-time high and people are becoming ever more entrenched in opinion. Is this leading humanity away from its heart or is this a doorway to greater understanding of the universe? Distinct from the dogmas of religion, universal spirituality offers the transcendeant perscpective of oneness through the expression of all faiths and traditions.
Quantum Mindfulness Radio with Joel Ayala Ayapana RN, BSN, BA
Evie Lorgen returns to share about "anomolous trauma" associated with alien abductions, near death experiences, shamanic initiations, miltary abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse. We talk about the new RISE Multiversity, which includes Tom Montalk, George Kavassilas, Perry Mills, Kelly La Sha, Eve Lorgen and Sienna Lea.
Definitely one of the more interesting and "out of the box" shows!