Title: America – A Republic or a Democracy?
A republic protects individual sovereignty and God given natural rights whereas a democracy is mob rule and group sovereignty
True Christian Libertarians founded our country.
Title: Multiculturalism is Societal Suicide
Open Borders equals societal suicide. Conquest by division.
Do we have a duty to be informed and resist?
The Veterans News Hour with David Cory and Richard Hurley
Guest, Anthony Doran, Peer Counselor for Vets4Warriors.
The War Report on Public Education with James Avington Miller, Jr., Ph.D. - Under the Radar - the Youth Resistance to Neoliberalism
John Barbours World with John Barbour
Guests, James Corbett and JP Sottile
Title: America’s Shadow Government
FBI creating terror to keep budget intact. War on Terror a fraud and never ending on purpose.
The truth about Syria you won’t hear about in the mainstream media.
The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests
Hard News with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and friends