Title: Truth and Lies Surrounding Middle East War
Title: Truth and Lies Surrounding Middle East War
Title: Questioning the Narrative After the Horrible Hamas Terrorist Attacks
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guests, Trent Leisy, John Graboski and Bill Rutledge
RIP Rep. Ken Buck. The RINO announces he will not be seeking re-election and we talk to Trent Leisy, the grassroots Patriot who is running to take his place.
Let's Talk Corelicious Leave Room For Dessert Podcast with Miss V The Core Life Coach
Guest, David Allen, Former Mayor and CEO
Both the Federal Reserve and the White House are continuously lambasted for enacting policies that are destroying the U.S. economy. Most attribute this to incompetence and poor choices, but what if that's not the case. What if they know EXACTLY what they're doing? What if the results are EXACTLY as they have planned? Someone incompetent who takes a multiple-choice test will likely get some of it right. For the White House and Fed to get everything wrong means they know what to do to fix the economy as well as how to destroy it. They're doing this all intentionally.
Dr. Peter McCullough Exposes Covid "Vaccines" Worldwide - The JD Rucker Show
Dr. Peter McCullough has built up a tremendous reputation as an elite doctor for decades. But the Covid-19 pandemic has propelled him to superstar status a he travels the world telling world leaders how wrong they've been since Covid-19 was released.
In this interview, Dr. McCullough reveals not only how he's been fighting the good fight but even explains how he came to his conclusions. He's been vaccinated a tremendous number of times through the years and Covid opened his eyes.
The Hostile Zone with Eric A. Cinotti and co-host Bianca Sea
Topic: America Wake Up! Israel-Hamas Conflict
The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden
With Guest, Brigitte Gabriel, National security analyst, NYT Bestselling author and Chairman, ACT for America.org
National Security analyst Brigitte Gabriel joins the show to explain how Iran is supplying weapons to Hezbollah through Syria as Israel’s push into Gaza continues. Plus, the latest on the Colorado trial this week trying to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024.