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Brother Jim Shaw Ministries

Brother Jim Shaw Ministries with Brother Jim Shaw

Ep22, Brother Jim Shaw

Brother Jim Shaw Ministries

Brother Jim Shaw Ministries with Brother Jim Shaw

Ep23, Redeem The Time

Prophecy in the Spotlight with Evangelist Dan Goodwin and Dr. Charles Hiltibidal

Prophecy In The Spotlight with Daniel Goodwin

The Purpose Of Prophecy With Evang Araiza, Ep221

The Purpose of Prophecy with Evangelist Oliver Araiza and Dan Goodwin. Seeing prophecy fulfilled increases our faith.

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Social Political And Physical Earth Changes, Trump and UFOs

Shadow Politics with U.S. Senator Michael D. Brown

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown

What really happened at WaPo? - With Guest, associate editor of The Washington Post, Marc Fisher

What happened at The Washington Post? Why no endorsement in 44 years for the 2024 presidential election? Did the billionaires unite from the Los Angeles Times and The Washington Post? What really happened and WHY?!

I will have a frank conversation with editor Marc Fisher about these questions and others as we approach the final stage of the most consequential election of the last 50 years.

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

Spouting Off with Karen Kataline

SONS of LIBERTY Radio with Bradlee Dean

Sons of Liberty Radio with Bradlee Dean

What Happens When You Pray In Jesus' Name At The State Capitol? Find Out!

PRQ Timelines with Q

PRQ Timelines with Q

A show based on Timelines and manifesting Timelines while taking caller questions.

PRQ Homesteading with Q

PRQ Homesteading with Q

Show on Homesteading and taking caller questions