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Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

CEO, Political Commentary, Host on USA Radio Network
The Jim Benson Show

The Jim Benson Show

Joe Biden's America: Marxist Revolution With Transgender School Shooters; Political Opponents Persecuted

It's YOUR fault Audrey/Aiden Hale murdered six people, including three children, at a Christian school in Nashville; Mainstream Marxist/CCP media celebrate Trump's indictment

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D Annett

Here We Stand with Reverend Kevin D. Annett

Laughing at the Crime called Canaduh: We dethrone Caesar by mocking him

The True History of The True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

As You Wish Talk Radio with James Gilliland

Higher Contact with Don Cain

Chuck and Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

The Chuck & Julie Show with Chuck Bonniwell and Julie Hayden

Guest, Dr. John Lott Jr.  


1.  O’Keefe #1
2.  O’Keefe #2
3.  O’Keefe #3

The Tennessee shooter’s writings picked the Christian school because it was a soft target.  Dr. John Lott Jr with the Crime Prevention Research Center points out once again the Left screams about gun control and ignores real solutions.  Plus James O’Keefe does it again exposing a Dem money laundering campaign scheme.

The True History of The True History of Our Galactic World and NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna and guests