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Drill Instructor, U.S. Air Force, Senior Strategic Analyst, Projects Manager, International Trouble Shooter, Aerospace Consultant, APeX Developer
Near Death Researcher, Professor, Psychiatrist, Neurobehavioral Scientist, Founder International Association for Near-Death Studies, Editor, Writer
Political Activist, Lobbyist, Commentator, Executive Director of Paradigm Research Group, Lecturer, UFO Disclosure Activist
Choctaw, Governing Council of the American Indian Movement, Indigenous People's Rights Activist
Navy Signalman, U.S.S. Liberty Survivor, President of U.S.S. Liberty Veterans Association
International Peace Activist, Justice Advocate, Humanitarian
Teacher, Lecturer, U.S. Government Advisor, Solidarity Movement Activist, Co-Founder Free Palestine Movement, Co-Founder Free Gaza Movement, Doctor of Linguistics, Training Administrator, Humanitarian, Professor
Physician, Author, AIDS Issues Activist, Researcher, Writer, Lecturer, Geopolitical Expert, Radio Show Host
TV Host, Veteran Correspondent, News Anchor, Broadcaster, Journalist, Keynote Speaker, Stress Disorder Spokesperson, Author
U.S. Intelligence Asset, 9/11 Truther, Political Activist, Whistleblower