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Listen to Vincent and Claudia Pinto who operate Raven's Way Wild Journeys in the Sky Island region of SE Arizona. They teach many classes from Stone-Age and Wilderness Survival Skills to Environmental Stewardship, and reconnecting with nature amid the beauty and grandeur of an inland Archipelago where several biological provinces overlap creating an explosion of life found nowhere else on the planet.

This week, we will revisit that fascinating couple, Vincent & Claudia Pinto in the amazing Sky Island Region of SE Arizona. He is a Naturalist, Wildlife Biologist, and Survival Expert. Their school, Raven's Way Wild Journeys, teaches Stone Age Survival Skills, Ethnobotany, as well as Environmental Stewardship, Organic Gardening and Sustainability. Claudia is a passionate Activist and teaches Sustainable Living and Women's Education. Their mission is to help people reconnect with Nature, and to help bring earth back into balance and harmony. They have so much wisdom to share!

Sandra Ingerman will be my guest this Friday. She has written many books on Shamanism, and is probably best known for "Soul Retrieval", and "Medicine For The Earth". She teaches workshops internationally on Shamanic Journeying, Healing, and reversing environmental pollution using spiritual methods. She has trained and founded an international alliance of Medicine For The Earth Teachers and Healers. She is also a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and Mental Health Counselor, as well as being certified in acute traumatic stress management.

This week, Caroline shares a special message from Mother Earth. It is told like a campfire storyteller would tell it, and has a beautiful message. She also shares some amazing facts about ancient trees that have been alive on earth for thousands of years, since before the Pharoahs ruled Egypt, and Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire, and Genghis Kahn built the huge Mongolian Empire,(the largest the world has ever known); before the Romans conquered most of Europe and the Mediterranean, before Jesus was born, lived, and was crucified. Yes, these trees are still living..

This week, Caroline talks about the new 26,000 year Age we are entering, and about making resolutions that will help us create a new world of peace, love, harmony, and abundance. It's about getting our priorities straight, and this is not just our yearly resolutions about losing weight and being nicer to our neighbors. This is about resolutions on a much broader scale that includes the whole world. We are talking about moving into a new 26,000 year cycle, and not bringing along a lot of baggage that no longer serves us from the last cycle.

Activist, Environmentalist, Conservationist, Bank Business Developer, Asset Capital Manager, Wilderness Preservation Educator, Traveler, Volunteer
Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Biologist, Wilderness Survival Instructor, Conservationalist, Educator, Earth Steward

LUISA KOLKER is a licensed psychotherapist and Shamanic healer living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Although born in the United States, she comes from a long line of Central American doctors, psychiatrists, and curanderos. She has a B.A. in humanities from Hampshire College in Amherst, MA, and a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from Southwestern College in Santa Fe, NM. She was apprentice to Ioanna Salazan, author of Zen Comics, for four years in Spain.