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Julian Rose returns to speak eloquently about his battle with the EU in Poland, which was about to steamroll over the millions of peasant farmers, evicting them to create vast corporate "modern, sterile food manufacturing" plots for global production.  We speak about GMOs, chemtrails, organic farming and the subtle energies which are part of the local farming wisdom.  The love exchanged between all life is then lost and the quality of life greatly diminished.  I woke Julian up at 4:00 A.M. and he mentions this at the start!

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.

with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.

with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer

December 3, 2012 - Red Moon Hombre is a benevolent entity from the Spirit World who, through Robin Miller, wishes to share his deepest, most heartfelt, and personal reflections on Native American Teachings and Culture.  In particular he would like for our modern civilization to understand the interpretations of nature that were so much a part of the "old ways" his people believed in and held in trust for future generations.  There is no magic, no superstition, and no religious dogma or doctrines to adopt.  Red Moon Hombre simply and graciously points to a time when the life-p

November 19, 2012 — Theresa Daley  is a Spiritual Mentor and lives at Nala Pakana, her 79 acre off the grid property deep in the bush of Southern Tasmania Australia.  Theresa began working with people over ten years ago, she is level three Reiki initiated, a Flower Essence Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Children’s Yoga Teacher and Meditation Teacher and Healer.  At this time, Theresa guides people to awaken their conscious mind by changing the patterns in their life so they may live from, and within, the wellspring of Divine Love.

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.

with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer

JULIAN ROSE turns a page in history with this paradigm shifting 2 hour show.  I first discovered Julian's brilliant writing through several articles. the first being "Reverse Engineering the Illuminati Mindset".  Another is "Phoenix Rising".  On his website, a guest author wrote an excellent activist post, which are all on his website at the link below:

Learning from indigenous wisdom and knowledge – To change society a cultural revolution in activism is needed – by R. Teichmann

Organic Farming GMO Free Zone Activist Writer Essays Teacher Farmer

Your Poultry news source - informative and highly entertaining. If you want to know how a chicken thinks, stop talking to the turkeys and listen to the Chicken Whisperer. He will rile your feathers while tending your flock, all the while hypnotizing your chickens and garnishing your plate.

with Joe Barber the Florida Chicken Whisperer