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Multi-Instrumentalist Musician, Photographer, Sculpture and Emissary for the Resonance Project

The Divine Energy with host Tom Paladino!

Scientist, Tom Paladino, has developed a scalar energy technology that has the capacity to send energy to clients all over the world that subtly influences their body's bio-field inducing repair while simultaneously devitalizing pathogens!  See the power of scalar energy yourself in this photo of Tom hold light bulbs over the scalar field that light up without being plugged in!

Join Tom as we explore the invisible world of energy and how it can change your life!

The Eclectic Visionary Show with Judianne Cannizzaro & Judy Colantuono

Debut #1 Show on BBS Radio

Global Specialist in Exoconsciousness, Author, Hypnotherapist, Research Scientist, Psychic Research

Evolution has begun and most see it as a need for a revolution. This is from the perspective of

having not done the work to wake up.

The truth that most remain asleep steeped in their created need to keep the illusion alive for fear of

letting go and allowing divinity to manifest in the life. The natural state of being.

We are in the moment of time itself collapsing. Time is truly one of the greatest illusions and solely

for control, domination, and restriction. That illusion is collapsing, it is being dissolved into the

The Divine Energy with host Tom Paladino!

Scientist, Tom Paladino, has developed a scalar energy technology that has the capacity to send energy to clients all over the world that subtly influences their body's bio-field inducing repair while simultaneously devitalizing pathogens!  See the power of scalar energy yourself in this photo of Tom hold light bulbs over the scalar field that light up without being plugged in!

Join Tom as we explore the invisible world of energy and how it can change your life!