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New Realities with Alan Steinfeld

New Realities with Emily Joy Harris 'Prophetess of the Timeline Portals ', Timelines and Dimensional Portals

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron

Creation Lightship Healings with Ron Amitron - THURSDAY

This Cosmic LOVE Show with

Christopher Rudy continues the

  2017 Big Shift Series

as mass illusion disintegrates

ns 5-D Conscience integrates.


The November Burst of Full Disclosure

and the

11:11 Global TeLeCare Activation


Keep the Faith, See the Good and

Make it So!

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji 

First Segment: September 222017

Second Segment: September 29, 2017

The People Speak banner

The People Speak with Sophia Rae Fields and guest Edd Edwards

The Allow Love Show - Connecting with Spirit with Mary Sherritt Russell and Rod Russell

The Allow Love Show

Sananda, earth life name was Jesus, comes through

Signs of Life with Bob Ginsberg

Signs of Life with Bob and Phran Ginsberg and guest Dr Michael Grosso

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves

Ascended Masters at Work with Shirlene Reeves and guest Dot Claire

This is a safe zone to discuss universal issues. We want you to know better, do better and be better.

Hair Head and Heart with Mary-Reed Johnson

How to Get Rich in the Hair Business- Kerry Hines

Every Day is a New Day with Kim O'Neill

Every Day is A New Day with Kim O'Neill

11/8/17: Guest MICHELLE PAQUETTE talks about her chapter in the forthcoming book Positive Minded People: Inspiring Stories of Overcoming Adversity for Living a More Positive Life.

YOUTUBE: Kim O'Neill on YouTube