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Cosmic LOVE with Christopher Rudy

Cosmic weather update and

Space Science News plus

my story: making a movie

here in Paradise Valley

Breaking the Silence with Dr Gregory Williams

Breaking the Silence with Dr Gregory Williams

Guest, Jo Alch, author of, The Lemon Tree - growing from adversity


Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie Peters and Julie Peters

Life With The Girlfriends with Christine Marie and Julie Peters

Beyond Mind with Christina Winslow

Beyond Mind with Christina Winslow

Guest, Lydia Bisaillon, Wellpoint Hypnosis Method Level 2 practitioner

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Personal Planetary Healing Meditation with Wynn Free

Spirituality, Group Consciousness, group meditation, Dimensional Sources, Intelligences, Group Healing, Grid Healing, Intelligent Infinity, Creators, Healing, Meditation, Planetary Healing, Personal Meditation, Healing the Grid, Energy Grids, Ley Lines, Earth Energy, Energy Healing

Here We Stand with Rev Kevin D Annett and guests Brenda Everall and Christie

Topic: Building the New Society from the Grassroots: Two organizers speak

Kevin introduces the show which leads into a archived podcasted dated: June 02, 2019

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

Why Life Is... with Niles MacFlouer

​​Topic: Advanced Consciousness Series:
Specific New Technologies

Solving Many Earth Difficulties

If Evil Does Not Take Over
Don’t Panic It’s Organic with andy Lopez aka Invisible Gardener

Don't Panic It's Organic with Andy Lopez, aka: The Invisible Gardener

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji

Adama Speaks with Adama Alaji 

Segment 1: August 16, 2019

Segment 2: August 19, 2019