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Hungry for the Truth with the Doctor and the Detective

David and Lana get into things deep and take on the gender issues!

Tonight on Universal Soul Love we'll look at how the genders stand in today's modern, or not so modern world.

- Are gender differences still relevant?

- Are they important . . . are they useful?

- Does it help romance or kill it?

- Are we gradually evolving into genderless beings?

- Are there differences in the gender relations in different countries - say America and . . . Australia down under???

The Good News with Reverend Joseph Caesar

ET-First Contact Radio with Martaan Horst and special guest Ron Head

ET Yoga with Charles Green This Episode contained information primarily concerning a 5D Wellness Center. Lots of cutting edge info and specific techniques to employ in working towards a 5D existence.

Author /Licensed Teacher in the teaching of Grigori Grabovoi in USA/ President of the research center of enlightenment in Boston

The Journey 8 with Reverend Judy Hosner

Phillip Collins Channels ArchAngel Uriel on Living more fully in the New Year.

How do you see yourself?

How do you see Mother Earth?

How do you create?

ArchAngel Uriel will share five principals of change!  


Admirable Friends with Buddy and Carol Fichera

When do you feel you are impatient... and why do you think?

Join us this Tuesday Evening at 7pm Central Time


The subject is IMPATIENCE and ENDURANCE...

Please share your thoughts on:

  1. When do you feel you are impatient... and why do you think?