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Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi

Shusara leads us on a guided meditation for the duration of Satsang tonight. Allow the words to flow through you and take this meditation into your daily life.

The Royal Priesthood Nation with Aladyah Hanon, Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL and Dr Asar Hapi

Universal Soul Love with Sasha Stone with New Earth Nation

VIVA LA RESISTANCE:  Dr. Jesse Turner and his friends on the meaning/message of walking to Washington, D.C.  The resistance to the privatization of education is alive, well and growing, and the resistance is coming to D.C. this summer 2015. We will NOT let our schools be ruined, our teachers demoralized, our children preyed upon and our democracy destroyed. WE WILL RESIST!!!!

The Voice of the Ashtar Command with Commander Lady Athena Sheran - Show #1 on BBS Radio!

The People Speak with host Steve Johnson and guest Rick Chicago

"Ya Think?"

Tuesdays 7 PM, Sundays 8 AM (PDT)

Guess what is tonight's featured phrase of the week? "Ya Think?"
You got it!

The amount of time we spend thinking--ceaseless almost--just think about it?

​​Since so much of our lives is spent in the thought domain, and our thoughts, to a great extent, determine our reality, we thought we'd have a conversation about thinking tonight on our program at 7 PM PDT

What is thinking? How to think better? What's in a thought? Being "thought-full." "Thought Adjuster"

The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis