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Creator of the Art of Feminine Presence classes and worldwide trainings
Satsang with Shusara with Shusara Akona Kumara

Tonight Shusara encourages listeners to hang in there with their personal challenges and shares that she feels a “Shifting & Lifting” is on the way. The respite can be enjoyed, but know that you will need to jump back into deeper work when life’s challenges ramp up again. Effort and challenge are inherent parts of the world of duality and to be in resistance to either is futile. Therefore, embrace the Spiritual Warrior within and dive head on into the work of seeing through the identification with the personal self.

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio

Life Changes Show with Filippo Voltaggio and cohost Mark Laisure

Better Health on All Levels Through Laughter: It’s Possible, with Guest Sebastien Gendry the Laughter Wellness Guy, Well-Being Engineer, and Master Laughter Therapy Trainer, and Comedic Guest, Bob Hope USO Award Winner, Stand-Up Comedian Mike Marino on The LIFE CHANGES Show

Dr Ginas Radio Chat with Dr Gina

Dr Ginas Radio Chat with Dr Gina R Prince and guests, Michael Clearman, Else Murray and Cherelle.