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As summer comes and warmer weather, so do the bugs! This week we are talking about Ants! I started in the 6th grade learning about ants and went out and got an Uncle Milton Ant Farm. That got me started on my 'Dances with Ants' system that I've developed through the years that really works! In fact,  I wrote a book called 'Dances with Ants - Natural and Organic Ant Control' ! Tune in this Saturday and learn why  it's not possible nor desirable to kill all ants. It is not possible because more ants will move in to take their place.

This week our guest is Frances Pavich, Owner of Amigo Bob's Organics. These folks have been around for a long time and they are one of my favorite “Earth Healers”. Her involvement in the organic farming movement started with her family, Pavich Family Farms in the mid 70’s and were early pioneers in the organic farming business. Together with Bob Cantisano, lovingly known as AMIGO BOB, they have dedicated their work to the creation of the purest and most effective organic soil nutrients around.

Founder and president of ARME, an animal rights attorney

Every Day is A New Day with Kim O'Neill

11/1/17: Guest FRANKIE PICASSO talks about her forthcoming book "I Bared My Chest: 21 Unstoppable Women Get Naked," one of her stories in that book, her paintings and so much more

YOUTUBE: Kim O'Neill on YouTube