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Author, public speaker, and endurance athlete
Oral and written language specialist, lecturer, speech-language pathologist, teacher, consultant, author
True Voice with Dr Fred

True Voice with Dr Fred

Guest host, Alexandra Moss, Dr Fred's wife

The Tony Durso Show

The Tony Durso Show

Finding Gold with Ian Foster

Ian was finishing his Master's internship as a social work counselor when C-19 hit. He & his fellow interns transitioned to remote-counseling using video-conferencing technology, but the young men they were working with were distracted by the tech. No one knew where to look. The rapport they had built fizzled out.

Throughout 2020 he began developing prototypes and when he was satisfied with the quality of the camera, he launched Center Cam.

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

The Alchemy of Business Show with Steve Rodgers

Guest, Linda Fisk

TITLE- LeadHERship & Female Empowerment in the Modern Workplace


Alternate titles

Understanding Diversity and Meritocracy in the Workplace

The importance of Female Leadership & Empowerment in Business


Key Words


Gender Diversity


Inequality in Today’s Working World

Strength in Diversity

Responder Resilience with David Dachinger, Dr Stacy Raymond and Bonnie C Rumilly

Can we take our mind to the gym to build mental fitness? Performance expert Erik Leslie from Modern Mindfulness has trained professionals in the world’s toughest careers, like first responders, Special Forces and Apache Pilots with simple ways to become present in high-stress situations.