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You got Questions? We got Answers! with Wynn Free

UFO Experiencer, Author, Amazing Woman

The Wynn Free Conference Call LIVE with Wynn Free

Next Universal Soul Love: Dr Lana Love and Det David Love discuss the "Super Consciousness Project".

The Super Consciousness Project is an initiative Dr Lana and Det David Love began over a year ago with the intention of expanding the collective consciousness of humanity to a higher level.  

The idea behind this project is to form "catalyst groups" with talented mediums, channelers, and psychics within the spiritual community.  This goal of this project is to create a mass awakening around the world.

The True History of Our Galactic World and The Birth of NESARA with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna

You got Questions? We got Answers! with Wynn Free

Healer,Teacher, Founder Spiritual Energy Dynamics

Paradigm Shifters with Stuart Wilde

Rerun from 09/11/2012