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The War Report on Public Education with James A. Miller, Jr., PhD - Show #2 on BBS Radio!

The format of the show focuses on the corporate war on public education and the rising public resistance movement to the war.

James email address:, and he cordially invites people to write him and express their thoughts.

The Truth About Stem Cells with Don Margolis on BBS Radio - Show 36

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown & Kathleen Gomez.


Leonie Hiamson, Class Size Matters; pushes for smaller class sizes in public schools.

Find Your Voice with 'Higher Power' 


The Big Shift of the Ages Into Aquarius:

Conceive It
-- Where it is clearly going --

in order to Believe It and Achieve It.

The 'Next Economy', an economics of abundance,

 will emerge with liberation of current capabilities of

  quantum science for clean free energy technology,

Vietnam was a trauma for the United States, because it could never come to understand how Americans would win the major battles in the field but gradually be losing the war.  How could such a thing happen?  And how did it happen?  Americans have fought difficult enemies in jungles before; the Japanese in particular, in places like Burma (now Myanmar), the Philippines, and also among a collection of Pacific Islands as well.  Ah, but Ho Chi Minh didn’t underestimate the significance of public opinion, that national force which gives a moral force to the purpose of the figh

Shadow Politics with Senator Michael D. Brown, from the District of Columbia and Kathleen Gomez discuss important issues affecting you, news and politics ranging from gun control, voting rights, immigration reform, DC Statehood and other relevant topics of the day. The show is not only informative but intertaining, and they both convey their opinions with humor, wit and a strong rapport.