John Barbours World with John Barbour and guest John Potash, and in the 2nd half, JP Sottile
The War Report on Public Education with Dr James A. Miller Jr. with many guests discussing THE MATRIX
The True History with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna, and guests Dyanna and Rainbird
Hard News on Friday with Tara Green and Rama Arjuna, Rainbird "Carolyn Jones" and Dyanna.
The Impossible Truth with Orly Benny Davis
Stargate Round Table with Marietta Pickett and Tara & Rama, along with Caroline Jones "Rainbird", Angel Sue and Cathy Lauren
2nd hour - Richard King
The Royal Priesthood Nation with Dr Caliph Zaphnathpaaneah EL, Dr Asar Hapi and Aladyah Hannon
Sons and Daughters of Roswell Witnesses Reveal Years of Abuse and Surveillance by U.S. Government.
Since 1947 when alien spacecraft crashed near Roswell, New Mexico, the historic incident has been well documented, described, researched and explained in countless books, articles and films.