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Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Eric Raines shares a wealth of information on the true nature of the matrix of control, and how we're tricked into our consent.  Numerous parasites, entities and attachments easily enter our field.  Eric teaches people how to tune into their own energy, recognize blockages, and remove them.  He removes blockages, implants and parasites from our multi-dimensional field.  Below are links to his website with free articles, and his YouTube channel, where he shares techniques to do this vital healing work ourselves!

Author researcher, Past life regressionist, teacher

Sienna Lea returns to empower the sovereign within.  This is one of the most powerful shows to date - not to be missed.  Sienna is creating a new model with George Kavassilas at Findhorn, a "sovereign process" that is stunning in its breadth and scope, harmony, organic frequency and sacred connection to Gaia Sophia and the zero point field.  Being the multi-dimensional Creators and conscious beings that we already are!

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick  On this show we  discussed The Pleadian series of books by Barbara Hand Clow  and Barbara Marciniak.

Letter to Earth by a young Elia Wise. louise Hay as the first one to break away from what had gone before  . Edgar Cayce who had started using mind, emotion to heal, but not for everyone, only for clients.   What the significance was in each wave of similar books that came out in the 60's late 80's early 90's and finally the last 17 years.


Bestselling Author, Spiritual Crusader, Intuitive Counselor
Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick 

Carolyn Gervais joined Adena to talk about her new book Life Before Life "How Soul Agreements Direct Our Destiny". Carolyn is certified in the practice of Spiritual psychology, clinical hypnotherapy and has a master's degree in holistic nutrition. 

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick

Growing up Indigo with Adena Bannick   On this episode Adena discusses omens in our everyday life. Dream symbols, and how some are universal, and some highly personal. She discusses her own personal struggle and journey through near death and how we cannot possibly know that today's pain will one day help someone else's life.  Adena also answers 7 free questions sent by email.