This show not only honours the resurrection story of Jesus Christ that many are celebrating and acknowledging on Easter weekend, but also touches upon a variety of forms of resurrections as seen throughout the ages and found in our ancient civilizations, in our mythology, as well as within our individual personal transformations. What does resurrection mean within our societies, and how can we embrace it in terms of our own experience?
Our guest tonight is a brilliant and soulful singer/songwriter, Josh Royse. Hear him not only share about his journey and music, live, in an interview tonight but hear his music performed live with his band in the studio, at 7 PM PST, on the BBS Radio Network, live from in downtown Los Angeles. See link below.
Josh Royse is an American Singer/Songwriter based in Los Angeles, California. He is the salty voice of road worn grit fresh off the streets of the Oklahoma panhandle.
Sound Healing with David Gibson. Topic: Loving your whole self frequencies! Using Sound to Love Yourself
Sound Healing with David Gibson, with special guest Darrell Brann
Topic: Harmonic Structure of the Body. Harmonizing the whole body so your energy can go forth freely, and affect the mind, body and spirit.