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World music composer and concert guitarist
"New & improved "Insight Out--the Naked Truth"
"I beg your pardon," you respond.

As you should, because "I Beg Your Pardon" is our featured phrase of the week.  I dipped into our archives, found this program hiding behind, "Let's Face It" and "Ya Think," edited it, and now it's ready for public consumption.

​When is the last time you had to beg someone's pardon?  

Was the pardon forthcoming?

Create Sacred Space with Sound. Space Clearing is essential for your home and office to clear stuck or negative energies. Did you know that sound can be one of the most effective ways to clear a space!  Learn about different techniques you can use to create a Sacred Space in your home, office and in your own body! Ted Winslow is involved in research and development of healing frequencies used in sound healing. Learn about his recent research at one of the Vortexes in Sedona. 

"Imagine That" is our featured phrase of the week.  This is a program that we did in May of 2015, but it's been  edited it so you can hear the juiciest, fumiest and most insightful parts of that show.

We focus on "Imagination," what it's capable of and how to focus it to make life more livable and enjoyable.

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and Mark Laisure

Exploring Oceans of Truth with Producer and Protagonist of the Film the Highly Acclaimed and Award Winning “Sharkwater,” and the “Revolution,” Rob Stewart, and Musical Guest Michael Vincze.

Life Changes with Filippo with Filippo Voltaggio and Mark Laisure

Believing in Your Dreams with Guest Giada Valenti and Musical Guests Suns of the Earth.