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Internationally Acclaimed Spiritual Author and Lecturer, Founder of the Department of Peace Campaign - a grass roots campaign to establish a United States Department of Peace

Brant Secunda is a shaman, healer and ceremonial leader in the Huichol Indian tradition of Mexico. He completed a twelve-year apprenticeship with Don Josй Matsuwa, the renowned Huichol Shaman who lived to be 110 years old and who adopted Brant as his grandson. Alongside other dignitaries including President Jimmy Carter, Brant cofounded the Peace University in Berlin, and is a founding member of the American Herbalists Guild and has taught at the American Holistic Medical Association Annual Conference He is a world-renowned shaman and healer in the Huichol Indian tradition.

Joe Mullaly, an Irish Shaman, will be my guest this week. He is a traditional healer, diviner, psychic reader and teacher. He lives and works from the ANAM Center just outside of Dublin City, Ireland where he teaches workshops in dowsing and divining, Tantra Yoga, Angel Healing Therapy, Celtic Shamanism, making and using flower essences, land healing, and energy networks of Sacred Sites. His knowledge and wisdom cover a vast range of spiritual subjects, much of which he shares in his book, "The Healer's Secret".

Shaman, Healer, Author, Ceremonial Leader, Workshop Facilitator, Pigrimage and Retreat Facilitator, Don Jose Matsuwa adopted grandson
Diviner, Psychic Reader, Teacher, Healer, Meditator

RENE YRIGOLLEN, is my guest this week. She is of Native American, Basque, Belgian, and Mexican descent, but chose to walk the Traditional Red Road of the Native American ways. She is a Pipe Carrier, a Sundancer, and an artist whose works can be seen in Santa Fe, NM galleries.

WALK IN BALANCE is the topic of today's show with Caroline Wise King. Hear how many things are out of balance in our world today creating chaos, fear, and apprehension about the future. Caroline narrows it down to specifics, and shares how each of us can begin to balance our lives and create harmony within our family circle, our community, and our world. The world is so badly out of balance that it threatens the very existence of life on earth, but it is NOT too late to turn it around. If each of us does our part, we can restore Mother Earth and bring Peace to our world.

SUSAN GRIMALDI joins us again this week. She is a member of the Choctaw Nation, and is world renowned for her Documentaries on Shamanism in China and Mongolia. She has practiced Shamanism for over 35 years, and has participated in more that 10,000 healings. She will be sharing wisdom and insights from her vast experience, so all practicing healers, listen up. This is your chance to hear amazing stories from a true Native American Shaman that may enhance your own practice.

Don Miguel Ruiz JR will be my guest this week. He is following in his father's footsteps, teaching and writing about ancient Toltec wisdom and the spiritual warrior's journey. He has a new book just out called "The Fifth Agreement", and will be sharing amazing insights into ways to live more fully with perceptions that enhance and expand our vision. His father, don Miguel Ruiz SR wrote "The Four Agreements", a book which changed the lives of all who have read it. Now we have his son's new book giving us the next step in our evolutionary life journey.

Caroline discusses transmutation, the art of transmuting negative energy into positive energy to change yourselves, to heal the earth, and to clear polluted waters. She shares a formula from Sandra Ingerman's book, "Medicine for the Earth" that gives you specific steps to take and she describes how to use those steps. She also shares a morning ritual from "Simon Peter's True Testament" that helps you set your intent for the day, and purpose for you life.